5 reasons your company should work with a Service Bureau

service bureau
It’s difficult to pick up a newspaper, magazine or log on to your local browser without yet another story popping up on how additive manufacturing is revolutionizing one industry after another, whether it’s in the areas of military defense, medical modeling or jogs, fixtures and tooling. And as a business owner you say, “Wow, that could really help my business, but I am not ready just yet to invest in a high-end 3D printer.”   This is precisely why we offer a service bureau capable of taking your CAD design and turning it into 3D reality. Here are 5 reasons your company should work with an additive manufacturing service bureau.

  1. A great option to turn to if you don’t have the resources

Taking advantage of a professional additive manufacturing service bureau is a great option for those companies that do not have the volume demand or fiscal resources to purchase a machine of their very own. It is also a terrific way for those who have never been exposed to 3D printing to evaluate specific technologies, applications, and materials that may be useful to their businesses.

  1. Take advantage of engineering expertise

Our service bureau is staffed with degreed engineers you can collaborate with. Engineering assistance helps to create, design and select the proper materials to prototype with- and usually at no cost, or one that is significantly less than engaging a product development or design firm.

  1. The strategic benefit of rapid turnaround

Fast prototyping support means faster product evaluation. Faster product evaluation means faster time to finalized designs. Faster finalized designs means faster time to production and to market. Faster time to market is a tremendous competitive advantage.

  1. Gaining access to multiple technologies

Companies that do not have in-house additive technology are now able to take advantage of varying technologies and materials that a service bureau can offer without having to make multiple investments or investing in inventories of raw materials that may only be used periodically.

  1. The security question

The theft of intellectual property occurs on a daily basis. Many companies send their product development overseas only to find their projects pirated. Keeping ideas and designs secure through a working relationship with a trusted resource goes a very long way in securing your intellectual property.

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