Vero Gray | FullCure 850 | 1kg (pkg of 2)

Vero Gray | FullCure 850 | 1kg (pkg of 2)



Rigid Opaque photopolymers provide excellent detail visualization. You can 3D print accurate, attractive prototypes that test fit, form and function, even for moving and assembled parts.

VeroGray Specifications

Property ASTM Units Metric Units Imperial
Tensile Strength D-638-03 MPa 60 psi 8,700
Elongation at Break D-638-05 % 15 % 15
Modulus of Elasticity D-638-04 MPa 3000 psi 435,000
Flexural Strength D-790-03 MPa 95 psi 13,775
Flexural Modulus D-790-04 MPa 3,000 psi 435,000
HDT, oC @ 0.45MPa D-648-06 oC 49 oF 120
HDT, oC @ 1.82MPa D-648-07 oC 47 oF 117
Izod Notched Impact D-256-06 J/m 25 ft lb/inch 0.47
Water Absorption D-570-98 24hr % 1.12 % 1.12
Tg DMA, E>> oC 56.5 oF 134
Shore Hardness (D) Scale D Scale D 86 Scale D 86
Rockwell Hardness Scale M Scale M 49 Scale M 49
Polymerized Density ASTM D792 g/cm3 1.17-1.18  
Ash Content USP281 % 0.23-0.26 % 0.23-0.26

Download the PolyJet Materials Datasheet Here

Weight 5.000 lbs

Material Type


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